The yarnover is a one-stitch neutral increase that leaves a decorative eyelet in the work.
How To
Western Method
Between Knits and Knits:
- Bring yarn under left needle to the front of the work
- Bring yarn over left needle to the back of the work
- Yarn is in position to knit the next stitch
Between Knits and Purls:
- Bring yarn under left needle to front of the work
- Bring yarn over left needle to the back of the work
- Bring yarn under left needle to front of the work to have yarn in position to purl
Between Purls and Purls:
- Yarn is already in front of work from the previous purl stitch
- Bring yarn over left needle to the back of the work
- Bring yarn under left needle to front of work to have yarn in position to purl
Between Purls and Knits:
- Yarn is already in front of work from the previous purl stitch
- Bring yarn over left needle to back of work
- Yarn is in position to knit the next stitch